Have you ever thought about becoming a board member? Below are some frequently asked questions:
1. Why should I consider becoming a board member? Because you have previously served as a volunteer or club committee member for past Gator Back Court Club events and now want to be more involved in the planning & successful execution of these events.
2. How is the nominating committee formed? According to the BCC By-Laws, the President appoints a nominating committee and the composition of this committee shall be 2 persons currently serving on the Board and 2 members of the general membership.
3. What is the process for nominating a person? According to the by-laws, the committee shall call for nominations which are to be sent in writing via electronic or postal mail. The committee shall form a slate from the nominees and present one person for the office of President-Elect, Secretary andTreasurer.
4. Is a bio required when someone is nominated for an office? A brief statement of experience is desirable especially for anyone who has not served on the board previously and, therefore, may not be known to the membership.
5. Who can be nominated? Any member of the Club, in good standing, may be placed in nomination. The nomination must be in writing (not verbal).
6. Where are nominations sent? Email nominations to: elections@gatorbackcourtclub.com or mail to the designated address in the call for nominations notification.
7. Will information be available to all the members for voting decisions? A brief description will be provided for each nominee.
8. How will the voting be held? After the nominating period has closed, an email will be sent to all members from the nominating committee notifying members of the ballot and the deadline to vote.
9. What if I do not have email access? Those who do not have an email address will be mailed the ballot. Shortly after the voting, the nominating committee chair will announce the results.
10. Will the results of the elections be available? The results of the voting will be provided to all members, as they have been in the past, by email and mailed to those without email.
11. When is the deadline for submitting nominations? Nominations should be submitted generally in the early part of May.
12. When does the term start? The new term begins July 1.
If you have questions about what a position entails or want to know more, please contact our current president using the email addresses below. Also, please feel free to approach current board members at events – they will be happy to answer all your questions.